We want to build connections with other universities and corporate partners to exchange, work and collaborate together.

We want to help students bridge the gap between EPFL community and the financial sector by allowing them to meet experts from academia and industry, and exposing them to career opportunities.

We aim to introduce students to finance by exposing its various sides through academic talks, conferences, workshops and educative games.
To enable students to learn and practice in a fun way, we hold various games set up and driven by professionals as well as workshops.
We hosted the first edition of the FX-Battle by Bloomberg. Students from different backgrounds wrote their own trading bot and challenged themselves to outsmart the simulated FOREX market and each other.
Each year, we also organize in partnership with Finance Club HEC Lausanne and Swissquote the largest student Trading contest in Switzerland known as the « JEU BOURSIER »
The Trading Game gathered 3000 players coming from various swiss universities, and is back this year.